Elite 4 Insider

Calculator for Pokemon Go Battles

Elite 4 Insider Calculator for Pokemon Go Battles

This calculator is outdated after the changes to Type Effectiveness on December 12, 2018. Please use this calculator instead.

Gym Defender
Gym Attacker (Myself)
Gym Defender (Opponent)
General Gym Defender


Trainer Battle
This calculates outputs for trainer battles if nothing changes with battle mechanics. For trainer battles, there wouldn't be a friend bonus, defender delay bewteen attacks, and "one charge bar energy lost" would be equal for attacker and defender. Also, dodging is not supported yet because that would involve new equations and I haven't gotten around to setting those up and solving them.
General Gym Defender
The general defender is defined under Options. The base attributes are the median of all last evolution Pokemon through Generation 3. Short Move is all the median of all fast moves with a duration less than 1 second (as of July 31, 2018). Long Move is the median of all fast moves equal or greater than 1 second.
Fast/Charge Move: Average and Best
If the defender's fast or charge move is unknown, there are two options. Intended for Raids, Average will average all the results using all possible non-legacy moves. Intended for Gyms, Best will use the defender's best move (including legacy) against each individual attacker. This gives a possibility of a different defender move set for each attacker. There is even the possibility of different defender move sets for the same attacker across TDO, DPS, etc.
Legacy Moves
These moves cannot be taught through Technical Machines. When generation 2 and 3 were released, moves were changed for some Pokemon. The old moves are now Legacy moves. Special moves that were only available for Community Day are also Legacy.
Damage Per Second. It uses all the parameters on the page, including energy gained/lost and dodging.
Total Damage Output. This is the total damage done by the attacker until it faints, assuming the defender has infinite HP.
Damage Output at 20 seconds, intended for Raids. This is the total damage done up to 20 seconds, assuming the defender has infinite HP. If the attacker faints before 20 seconds, this is its total damage output (TDO). This is a generalization of DPS and TDO because DPS = DO@1 and TDO = DO@999. 20 seconds seem to match general recommendations of other lists for Raids. If the ranking doesn't work for you, the seconds is configurable. Fewer seconds recommend Pokemon that do more damage, but faint faster. Longer seconds will recommend Pokemon that last longer, but do less damage.
Time to Faint (seconds). How long until the Pokemon faints. If blank, the opponent will faint first.
One Charge Bar, fast moves lost energy
When the energy bar is one long bar (and not 2 or 3 smaller bars), some energy is wasted when trying to fill the bar completely. On average attackers lose 0.5 quick moves of energy. Defenders lose 2.5 quick moves of energy. If more than one charge bar, defenders lose less energy and attackers lose no energy.
Seconds spent dodging each fast/charge move
Set to 0 if not dodging. If you are dodging, the dodge itself takes 0.5 seconds. Then add in additional time for waiting, multiple dodges, etc.
Dodging Human Delay
This accounts for a delay in recognizing the defender's attack. This makes some short attacks impossible to dodge.
Details about the formula
The formula and methodology are described in this PDF document.
I'd like to thank GamePress for all of their work in creating guides that explain how Pokemon Go battles work, especially the articles listed under "Battle Mechanics". I'd also like to thank The Silph Road and all of its contributors for all the careful thought and analysis of Pokemon Go.

My Personal Pokemon

Nickname Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move Attack IV Defense IV Stamina IV Level
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Trainer Battle Opponent: a Level: b CP: c
Rank Gym Attacker
Fast Move Charge Move Att
Enter details above and press calculate!